How You Can Learn More Effectively in a New Industry | Bruce Laishley | Entrepreneurship

Bruce Laishley
2 min readFeb 10, 2023


Have you made a career jump into a brand-new industry? Did you decide to take the entrepreneurial leap and start your own venture? Did you transfer to a new area of your current company?

The first stages of life in a new vocation can be scary, but you can quickly learn the ropes and prepare to rise in the ranks with the right tips and strategies.

1. Read and Learn As Much as You Can

One of the best ways to get up to speed is simply reading and listening about your new industry. Knowledge will allow you to hit the ground running with confidence, knowing that you’re prepared for whatever opportunities arise — whether it’s a promotion, a project, or even just engaging in a conversation with colleagues.

2. Stay up to Date with Trade Publications and Newsletters

One great way to do this is by subscribing to newsletters and magazines that cover your field — or, even better, get them delivered via email so you can take advantage of downtime during the day (at work or in transit) to read up on current events.

3. Attend Trade Shows and Conferences

If you don’t have time for magazines, why not attend conferences and seminars in person? Many industry gatherings are held yearly, both in major cities as well as more rural locales. These can be a fantastic way to meet other pioneers in your field, as well as industry experts and potential mentors.

4. Connect with Colleagues

Getting into the right mindset of an industry means tapping into the people that make it run. Find out which colleagues have been there a while and learn from them. Ask for advice on how to rise through the ranks.

5. Stay on the Forefront of Your Industry

Finally, one of the best ways to prepare for a new industry is to stay on top of trends as they evolve. This can be as simple as monitoring your LinkedIn newsfeed or following industry influencers on Twitter — and it’s absolutely free!

Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to a productive and successful career in your new industry.

Originally published at on February 10, 2023.



Bruce Laishley

For over 50 years, Bruce Laishley has been a Punta Gorda, FL staple and pillar of his community. To learn more about Bruce, visit