Examples Of Side Hustles That Are Actually Legitimate | Bruce Laishley | Entrepreneurship

Bruce Laishley
2 min readAug 9, 2022


Those who are not satisfied with just working a single job and getting paid through that can find side hustles to take on. There are some legitimate opportunities for the one looking to bring in extra money.

Get Involved in Social Media:

When a person posts videos on social media, they can receive money through the ad revenue that the videos bring in. When someone starts up a social media account and gets a lot of followers there, they may be offered sponsorships and other opportunities to earn more money. Social media can be a great side hustle if one is committed to what they are doing and has a passion they would like to share.

Offer Online Coaching Services:

The one who is an expert when it comes to a certain topic, such as finances, might offer to coach others online. A person can earn a good amount of money by helping others figure out the right steps to take in their lives.

Rent Out a Room:

If someone has extra space in their home or a guest room above their garage, they can earn money by renting out that space. A person can turn a portion of their home into a vacation space for others to rent and bring in extra money by doing that.

Start Work as an Online Tutor:

When someone works online as a tutor, they can share their knowledge with others and feel good about doing that. Some online tutoring jobs pay well and can work out good for the one seeking a side hustle.

Organize Homes for Others:

The one who is good at taking care of their own home might think about offering their organization or cleaning services to others. The more that a person works in their community, the more that word will spread about all that they can do and the more people will want to hire them. The one who is good at organizing can turn organization work into a side hustle.

There are Legitimate Ways to Earn Additional Income:

There are real ways that one can go out and earn a little extra money. The one looking to bring in more cash can find a side hustle that fits their passions.

Originally published at https://brucelaishley.net on August 9, 2022.



Bruce Laishley

For over 50 years, Bruce Laishley has been a Punta Gorda, FL staple and pillar of his community. To learn more about Bruce, visit brucelaishley.net.